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Mini Revoke detail brush

Are you bothered by small nooks and crannies that you can't remove dirt from? The vacuum cleaner cannot cope with dust in the air vents and corners in the glove compartment? The solution to this is this little brush.

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Mini Revoke detail brush

Mini Revoke detail brush

Are you bothered by small nooks and crannies that you can't remove dirt from? The vacuum cleaner cannot cope with dust in the air vents and corners in the glove compartment? The solution to this is this little brush.

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Mini Revoke detail brush

Mini Revoke detail brush

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Are you bothered by small nooks and crannies that you can't remove dirt from? The vacuum cleaner cannot cope with dust in the air vents and corners in the glove compartment? The solution to this is this little brush.

Innovative brush with soft bristles for cleaning hard-to-reach places

A brush with soft bristles will be perfect as an essential gadget in your car. Thanks to carefully selected bristles, you will successfully remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, and at the same time you will not have to worry whether you will scratch the surface.

Thanks to it, you will finally get rid of dirt from the center console and gaps between the finishing elements.

Little means a lot

The brush was designed with comfort of use in mind. It is small and ergonomic, provides excellent maneuverability, and thanks to its non-slip surface, it guarantees a firm grip while working.

Many uses

Can it be used at home? Of course yes, you don't have to limit yourself only to the car. It will certainly cope with your keyboard, dust on shelves, and even glass or Lego figurines.


After using the brush, it is worth cleaning it thoroughly to get rid of dirt, and then drying it in a vertical position with the bristles down. Additionally, the set includes a bristle cover.

Product advantages:

• High quality bristles
• Allows you to take care of the smallest details
• Slim design
• Precision and accuracy of workmanship

- height 9.0 cm
- width 4.5 cm

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